Josan Bros. Entertainment Inc.
The Journey

Coming 2020
The idea behind the story is derived from understanding the purpose of our creation. It’s human psychology to remember God only during the roughest times rather than asking for his wisdom during our good times. Ultimately it is the faith in the Lord that rescues us during ones’ toughest life challenges.
We live in a time when common sense has become quite rare. A time where experiments with time travel, interstellar travel, wormholes, parallel universes, blank slate technology, manipulation of light and sound frequencies, invisible cloaking, religious differences, politics, the exposure of extra-terrestrial beings, the exploitation of power and the mind have already proven to be disastrous. Where the confidence and the I.Q. of mankind is higher than ever before; the knowledge of the universe is expanding faster than one can comprehend. A time in which technology has enabled us to regenerate new replacement organs for our bodies and create new life in any shape or size by the means of genetic engineering. We are able to compute and calculate complex formulas and equations down to the landing of a small probe on a planet a 100 million miles away; these tumultuous times have brought forth events that will forever alter civilization as we know it today. It’s as though the voice of reason has fled mankind and yet, the three fundamental questions continue still remain unanswered. Who are we? How did we get here? and, what is the purpose of our existence?
The real bitter truth about our existence is being suppressed by the World Shadowing Governmental systems, global
mainstream media and religious deception; but now this control and warfare is about to come undone. They all may have a Plan A, a Plan B, and a Plan C. However, there are many emerging eventualities and phenomena which surround us that are so compelling that the governments of the worlds have no choice but to distract the people of this planet, deceive and divert their attention to form this modern enslavement of a system. The undertaking of “The Journey” is to unveil the truth of our ancient past, present existence and imminent future so that we can finally answer these three inevitable questions and to be in solidarity with not only our creator but ourselves as well.
“The Journey” will leave the audience baffled, captivated in wonder of what is really occurring throughout this passage of adventure, mystery, excitement, sorrow and they get mesmerized with every scene as though the world around them is moving in all directions faster than the speed of light. It will appear as though things are happening concurrently not only in the present, the past and the future as the stories babbles through time and parallel dimensions in search of the truth. It is hard to keep the events of the past, present and future aligned until the very end with the awakening of the chosen one who will lead this war on humanity to concur and unveil and all religious, governmental and spiritual warfare to restore and purify humanity back to how God intended them to be. They will face many challenges and obstacles along the way but together they will transcend through their journey to uncover the truth and restore humanity. God will prevail in the end.
Filming Locations


Saudi Arabia




Bermuda Triangle
